Since 2007, JONAH has been working with people, agencies and organizations to help make our communities healthier, safer and better places for everyone to live and work. We believe that our work is about building community and building capacity to address root causes of poverty and injustice. We come together for this important and public work because when every one person does better, everyone does better.

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JONAH Calendar

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Image of woman smiling in bright cultural dress.

What Welcoming Really Means

By Lidixe Montoya, Lynn Buske, and Ginny Close JONAH has...

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Image of a chrysalis turning into a butterfly.

Transformational Justice Campaign

By Mark Rice, WISDOM Transformational Justice Campaign Coordinator  The Transformational...

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A feast of colorful food dishes spread on a table.

Faith Perspective: A Lutheran Sermon on the Feast in Mark 6:14-29

By JonPaul Dragseth, Pastor at Spirit Lutheran Church My first...

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