Welcome to the home of the JONAH Mental Health Task Force and our greater Chippewa Valley Community Green Bandana Project (GBP)!
If you are in an extreme mental health crisis, please call 988 – the state-run mental health hotline.
Mental Health Resources
Complete Directory of Tri-County Resources for Mental Health: This is a working document, so it is frequently being updated. Let us know what you’d like to see on it!
Resource Directory for Eau Claire County by EC County Mental Health Action Team
Resource Directory for Dunn County
Resource Directory for Chippewa County
Mental Health Brochure for Rural Communities across Western WI
What is your mental health barometer? Use this helpful document from Heretohelp.ba.ca.
Roadmap to mental health by the Mental Health Coalition from the EC City Healthy Communities.
Introductory Workshops: Our Task Force worked with The First Presbyterian JONAH Core Team on introductory workshops to connect people to mental health resources and tools if they aren’t sure where to start or could use some extra mental health care. Below are links to videos of the presenters from those workshops:
- February 2022 – Relaxation: https://youtu.be/uQx8fuXPYC8
- March 2022 – Chair Yoga: https://youtu.be/4lEUnmGkzls
- April 2022 – Breathwork: https://youtu.be/mN-YZDepcq8
- May 2022 – Mindfulness: https://youtu.be/6AD8nvZC2HU
About the Green Bandana Project
How do I get a green bandana? What is the GBP?
Email [email protected] for assistance with this! We’ll get you one, either free from us or one of our providers, or show you how to purchase your own. Scroll down for more information about what the project is and where you can pick one up.
I have taken a green bandana, now what?
1. Wear it everywhere! Tie it to your bag, keychain, belt loop, wrist, neck, head, or hang it from your rearview mirror – there is no wrong way to display it but in order for this to be effective it must be seen!
2. Talk about it! A main reason for this project is to reduce stigma by talking about mental health. A good conversation starter is: Do you want to know what my green bandana is about? The pledge statement above will help you know how to explain it. Share why mental health awareness and support is important to you.
If someone reaches out to you for support:
a. Make a connection – “I am here to listen.” Share your name. Look them in the eyes, validate what they say – just listen. Often that listening presence is what calms a crisis. It is enough.
b. Our goal is NOT to “save” or “fix” but to accept people where they are at and not where we think they “should be”, and to show them their own knowledge/tools. Ask “What has worked for you in the past?”
c. Grounding Tools: Can help people find their center. Here is a full list of some examples.
d. If they need more than this, please direct them, first, to the Milkweed Alliance Warmline – this is a peer-run support line that covers the entire Chippewa Valley: 715-505-5641. They can also visit the Monarch House in Menomonie – a place to just stop in and hang out, can stay up to 7 days if needed. If the warmline is busy please help them call the local mental health hotline NW Connections (covers entire Chippewa Valley) at 888-552-6642 or call 988 – the state run mental health hotline.
d. If they are under the influence and it is between the hours of 8am-5pm you can call the EC County Adult Protective Services at 715-839-7118. Chippewa County Adult Protective Services at 715-726-7788. And Dunn County Adult Protective Services at 715-232-4006. If it is outside of those hours you can call 211.
If YOU need support:
a. Call or visit a good friend or family member (share this page with them if they aren’t used to supporting you in this way) or anyone you know who has a green bandana can be called! Don’t hesitate – these people will understand. It is important to have a social connection in this time.
b. Ask the part of yourself in crisis to allow support and to trust the person you’ve selected to help.
c. If you cannot think of anyone, please call the Milkweed Alliance 24-hour peer warmline: 715-505-5641. If it is busy please call NW Connections at 888-552-6642.
You can and will get through this! Let the bandana be a visual reminder that you YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Where do I get a green bandana?
There are several locations (your location can be one too!) and more coming up so watch this page!
Eau Claire County
- At the JONAH Office – Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays from 9am-12:30pm. 505 S Dewey St Suite 204, Eau Claire
- At the Roots (Peer Support Center) – By Appointment. 800 Wisconsin St Bldg 2 Suite 301 Eau Claire
- NAMI Chippewa Valley – Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-1pm. 800 Wisconsin St Building #2D Suite 420F, Eau Claire.
- EC City County Health Department – Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm, 720 2nd Ave, Eau Claire.
- LE Philips Library – Short term display May 1 – July 1
Dunn County
- Kaleidoscope Center – Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-5pm; Wednesdays from 9am-3pm, Fridays from 10am-12pm. City Hall Building 800 Wilson Ave, Menomonie.
- Menomonie Public Library – 600 Wolske Bay Rd, Menomonie
- Dunn County Human Services – 3001 Hwy 12 E (Main Level Community Services Bldg)
Chippewa County
- The Chippewa Mental Health Action Team has distributed bandanas through tabling events. We will have more updates for Chippewa County residents soon.
Contact JONAH! Email: [email protected] Subject: bandana please or call 715-497-8732
I feel like I need training first!
We have a brief 30-min practice training that is comfortable and helpful – we believe we are all already capable of supporting each other. We designed this training to help folks see that. Check out our current listings at https://jonahjustice.org/gbptrainings/ and contact us if you’d like to schedule one for you or your group.
Other mental health trainings provided in the area:
- Milkweed Alliance can help you get access to Emotional CPR Trainings! http://milkweedalliance.org/
- EC County offers trainings in Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR), Mental Health First Aid, and Aces and Resiliency. None are scheduled at this time but contact [email protected] for questions or to get one scheduled.
- National Alliance for Mental Illness offers many trainings. Check out http://namicv.org/ for more info.
- At the Roots peer support has a Curious Communities training. Visit http://attherootsllc.com/ to learn ore.
JONAH Mental Health Task Force Information
There JONAH Mental Health Task Force that meets twice a month on 1st Thursdays at 1pm and 3rd Thursdays at 4pm via zoom or in person at the JONAH office to practice relationship building, sharing thoughts about the mental health system and what it is like struggling on the mental illness spectrum, collaborate to address gaps where there is not capacity, advocate to policy makers, and working toward creating more peer support for people for daily recovery. If you are passionate about deeply looking at and addressing mental health access for people, please contact [email protected] to join. If you are looking just for group support as part of a healthy community, please also reach out as we are building that in as well.