By Joyce Anderson, Immigration Task Force member
The questions were: How can we feel safe? How can we trust you?
The answers came out of conversations and discussions organized by JONAH between members of the Hispanic Community and Eau Claire police. We concluded that:
- Talking helps. Getting to know each other helps.
- We are all neighbors here.
- We are more alike than we are different.
- Yet, each of us has a cultural heritage that we’ve brought with us.
Let’s celebrate and become better acquainted!
The first fiesta was born! Members of the Hispanic community brought the music, food, and a pinata to Immanuel’s church parking lot and invited Eau Claire police, JONAH members, and neighbors to become better acquainted and to have a taste of their culture.
That first fiesta has evolved into a multicultural festival with members from the Hispanic,
Hmong, JONAH, and Welcoming New Neighbors communities working together to help
Chippewa Valley neighbors of many different cultures showcase their own culture.
It’s a free party. You’re invited. And you can bring a friend. Let’s get better acquainted with members of our community. Hope to see you at the party.
(Learn more about logistics and sign up to have a booth here: