Multicultural Festival

By Jacky Miller, member of the Immigration Task Force

In spite of it being a very hot day, 1500-2000 people attended the 6th Multicultural Festival at Phoenix Park. It was one of the most diverse crowds we have ever had. 

For me, it was so beautiful to see all the talent, art, and food that these cultures bring to the Chippewa Valley to make us a more diverse community! Everyone I encountered seemed happy to be there and enjoyed the experience. I loved seeing children from all these cultures dance, play, laugh, and truly celebrate the gift of being together, a wonderful day for families! I truly believe that coming together with different cultures makes us realize our similarities and the importance of getting to know one another to make our communities safer and more joyful!

I met many people from different cultures, some who just moved here, others who have been here for many years. Most expressed how much they felt welcomed here, and yet spoke of how hard it was to leave their homelands and that they missed their home of origin. 

A couple moments people shared with me that they appreciated: sharing a plate of fried plantains made by Nigerian Kitchen with people from Africa who did not speak English and yet the moment was savored by smiles and the enjoyment of the food. People really enjoyed making squares for the quilt project of Welcoming Neighbors in Eau Claire. 

Many first time festival-goers expressed how much they appreciated the planning team and how Larry Mboga led the day with such fun and joy and invited community leaders to speak about their support of the event. Joyce Anderson, one of the planning committee members, expressed that bringing neighbors from different backgrounds together, sharing a meal, music, and dancing made the work all worth it! What a beautiful day of joy!

Photos below by Soul Shine Photography.