A Prayer of Interfaith Welcome
We call you by many names: Allah, Universal Spirit, Holy Spirit, God, Hu, Baha, Timeless Being, Hashem, Gitche Manitou, Great Spirit, Brahman, Akua, Love, Wakantanka, Great Architect, Vajtswv, and so many more. We know you in many names and in many ways, but we join together in our common belief that you call us to love one another and to advocate for the poor. May we be willing to welcome all to our fellowship and to add their names and understanding to ours, and may you be with us today and in all our work together to make a more loving world.
Rev. David Huber, United Church of Christ
A Prayer for Unity
We seek our place in the world and the answers to our hearts’ deep questions. As we seek, may our hearts be open to unexpected answers. May we be reminded that all beings are whole, sacred and worthy. Let our hearts be welcoming of multiple truths, not holding hard or fast to closed mindedness or judgmental thinking. What can we learn from each other in the richness of our differences? May the heart of compassion help us see the sacred in each other and bridge differences in these challenging times. May each of us be held in relationship, accountability, and the power of beloved community. Blessed be.
Rev. Julianne Lepp, Unitarian Universalist
A Prayer for Diversity and Inclusion
May all beings everywhere Awaken to the inherent goodness That dwells within themselves and all others. May we all attain a peaceful, even nature Unencumbered by untamed thoughts and endless desires Unswayed by conditions, concepts, and appearances. May all beings dispel greed, anger, hatred, and jealousy And cultivate a wise and open heart Witnessing the goodness in everyone and every thing Seeing that all beings are one and share the same true nature. May these words reach every realm All the ends of this Earth From the darkest caverns to the highest plains Through the muck of human suffering And the chaos of endless wanting. May all those who suffer find comfort and calm And attain true and lasting peace Finding clarity in the midst of confusion And grace within groundlessness.
May everyone who hears these words be able to live safely, to see clearly, to speak wisely and to practice kindness and compassion towards themselves and all others. As the waters fill the rivers that connect all the oceans May everyone flow with each other and all living beings with ease and with safety with sanity and well being. May no obstacles befall you and may harm never reach you.
By Rev. Lawrence Dō’an Grecco
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
For the gift of our souls, for the promise of our lives, for all we are and all we might yet become, for the creative seeds sown within our minds, whose nurturing can yield a grand harvest; for all these gifts, we thank You, O God, and pray that we prove ourselves worthy. May our lives be ripe with the fruit of compassion, sweetly sustaining those in need. May we use our gifts wisely and with love, true messengers of blessing to the world. ברוך אתה יי הסוב שמך ולך נאה להודות Baruch atah, Adonai, hatov shimcha u’lcha na-eh l’hodot. Blessed are You, Adonai, Your Name is Goodness.
Rabbi Elyse D. Frishman, editor of Mishkan T’filah, Reform Judaism prayerbook
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Lord and risen Savior, we give thanks for life, that we are walking and talking, but most importantly that you are. Not only that you are, but that you are the center of hope, of joy, of grace, of everything and everyone. We give thanks that for at least part of the time today we have been able to be present to your divine presence. We give thanks that we are able to be aware of the feelings from times today when we focused on your presence, even though we may not have been aware of those feelings at that time.
Fr. John A. Schultz
Find these prayers in our 2024-2025 Yearbook!