Environmental Task Force Grocery Store Subcommittee Meeting
When: February 19th, 3:30PM, Where: Room 106 LE Phillips Public Library. If you are interested in working to reduce single use plastic bags, please contact Kathy at [email protected].
Joining Our Neighbors Advancing Hope
Joining Our Neighbors Advancing Hope
When: February 19th, 3:30PM, Where: Room 106 LE Phillips Public Library. If you are interested in working to reduce single use plastic bags, please contact Kathy at [email protected].
Meeting via Zoom. To join our Immigration Task Force or to connect with our chair on questions, please contact: Ray Koch [email protected].
In-person at the JONAH office (Hope Methodist Church, 2233 Golf Rd Eau Claire) or via Zoom. Meeting goes from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Mini-training to follow. This month's training is on reflection: Why is reflection necessary in organizing and social change work? Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrcuqtrjwrHdGF82K8eH5ZRhsQTShn2YVb.