Grocery Store Bag Awareness

Come see the Environmental Task Force and learn about Grocery Store Bag Awareness! Located at: Hy Vee Grocery Store, 2-6pm

Voter Engagement Team Meeting

Join us every Wednesday at 6:00pm until the November Election. These meetings are always hybrid - at the JONAH office or on Zoom. Email Lynn at for the zoom link. Rural voices and voices from Chippewa and Dunn counties are highly encouraged!

Rally for Transit: Put the US in Bus

Thursday, July 25, 2024 | 4:30pm @ Wilson Park, Eau Claire Gather with us for a Rally for Transit! All are welcome to join the community in a 6-block march through downtown Eau Claire, listen to speakers, and participate in a call for legislative action. Bring your own signs and invite a friend to come with you! We need as many people …

Voter Engagement Team Meeting

Join us every Wednesday at 6:00pm until the November Election. These meetings are always hybrid – at the JONAH office or on Zoom. Email Lynn at for the zoom link. Rural voices and voices from Chippewa and Dunn counties are highly encouraged!

White Privilege Series

Deacon Lidixe Montoya is partnering with JONAH for a six-week Tuesday morning anti-racism series called White Privilege: Let's Talk. Starting Tuesday, August 6 from 9:00am - 11:00am, gather with other JONAH members for authetic conversations about how to be anti-racist and how it matters in our world today. 

Postcard Project

The Postcard Project is expanding! This year, the project will have 3 phases. Multiple community events to create the postcards An art display at the EC Public Library A large mailing of every postcard to local legislators The goal is to connect with our community this summer in order to hear local concerns. As voters, it's important that our elected officials hear …

Voter Engagement Team Meeting

Every Wednesday at 6pm until the November Election, JONAH will be having a Voter Engagement Team meeting. All are welcome to join this team. We highly encourage voices from outside of Eau Claire to attend! Email Lynn Buske at for a Zoom link.

Postcard Project

The Postcard Project is expanding! This year, the project will have 3 phases. Multiple community events to create the postcards An art display at the EC Public Library A large mailing of every postcard to local legislators The goal is to connect with our community this summer in order to hear local concerns. As voters, it's important that our elected officials hear …

White Privilege Series

Join Deacon Lidixe Montoya and the JONAH community for a six-week anti-racism series. Starting Tuesday, August 6, gather at the Eau Claire Public Library every Tuesday morning from 9:00am-11:00am. You can register to attend here.