Here is a list of ALL trainings, both in-person and virtual, starting March 2024 related to the Chippewa Valley Green Bandana Project ( and the Facebook group).
The purpose of these trainings is to introduce people to the concept of the project, reduce barriers and reduce pressure to participate, and practice how it might work. We feel these are necessary to fully implement the project the way it is envisioned to work because: people have shared not being “enough” to help someone (we feel that is not true and a societal construct we want to redefine), and it is a new way of engaging with each other as “strangers” – practicing this will be helpful.
We are hoping to have as many of these as possible before our 2.5 hour March 30 training in Emotional CPR, so we can encouarge people to attend that. This training is basically tools to engage in human to human, non-heirarchical, emotional support, much like our 1-to-1 trainings but around emotional health specifically.
Some of these will also show a 30min locally produced film on what Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are and how to build resiliency in each other. More on that film at:
TO ATTEND IN-PERSON: No registration needed for in person events.
TO ATTEND VIRTUAL EVENTS: Please email [email protected] for the Zoom link. Subject line: “GBP Training and the date.
Training Schedule
- VIRTUAL – Saturday March 9 at 10am
- First Congregational UCC – Sunday March 10 from 11:30am-12:30am in person, also with showing of film “Shaping Destiny”
- VIRTUAL – Wednesday March 13 from 6:30-7pm
- Hope Methodist Church – Thursday March 14, in-person, 6pm
- Trinity Lutheran – Sunday March 17 at 11am-12pm, in-person, also with showing of film “Shaping Destiny” on ACES and Resiliency
- VIRTUAL – Tuesday March 19 from 10-11am, also showing the film Shaping Destiny
- Milkweed Alliance in Dunn County – Thursday March 21 at 12pm
- First Presbyterian -BEING RESCHEDULED! Pending Snowstorm.
- Milkweed Alliance in Dunn County – Monday March 25 at 5:30pm
- Unitarian Universalist – tba
- *NEW! Sunday May 5 at 11am at First Presbyterian Church
- *NEW! May 9 6:30-7:30 at the EC Public Library, hosted by NAMI

Still want more training? Here are some other local options provided by our partners:
Milkweed Alliance can help you get access to Emotional CPR Trainings!
EC County offers trainings in Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR), Mental Health First Aid, and Aces and Resiliency. None are scheduled at this time but contact [email protected] for questions or to get one scheduled.
National Alliance for Mental Illness offers many trainings. Check out for more info.
At the Roots peer support has a Curious Communities training. Visit to learn more.