JONAH Religious Leaders
As faith leaders of the Chippewa Valley, in collaboration with the JONAH organization, it is our task to be the theological catalyst – feeding the JONAH Board, teams, and task forces, with important issues we witness in our community – and to be a faithful arm of JONAH that brings awareness, conversation and education to those issues.
We seek to raise awareness for issues of oppression and injustice either through the pulpit, our guidance of our congregations, steering the work of JONAH, offering our voice to JONAH’s communications, or holding interfaith vigils in response to community needs.
The Religious Leaders’ Session (RLS) meets at various locations over the lunch hour (12:30-1:30 PM) on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. It is open to any person of any faith who sees themselves as a leader in their faith community. See the JONAH Calendar for the location of the next meeting or contact Christine Warloski at [email protected] or Kari Allen at [email protected].