Madison Action Day 2025: Help us make a big impact

Register Here!

What is it?

Madison Action Day is the time once every other year where the entire WISDOM network across Wisconsin, groups like JONAH doing faith-based grassroots organizing to address root cause of social justice issues, during the WI State Budget planning season, to learn about each other’s issues and talk to legislators about changes they can make to positively impact those issue and help them better understand those issues through stories. JONAH takes a bus down for the full day, and it is a good opportunity for those who haven’t experienced this type of civic engagement. Youth are welcome to attend with an adult. Anyone from Western Wisconsin is welcome to attend with us whether they are a JONAH member or not.

Why is it important?

In a democracy, we have a social contract to support the rights and freedoms of others to ensure those rights and freedoms for ourselves. Social equity requires fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all people, which can be attained by identifying and eliminating barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups. When we understand the root causes of disparities within our society, we act to increase justice and fairness within institutions and work toward the fair distribution of resources. The most successful approach to ensure social equity is to share your story with legislators so they can make informed decisions. They cannot be experts in all areas and haven’t experienced what you have!

Description of Day

Area residents from all over board a bus or carpool to arrive in Madison at 8:00am for a Plenary session – a gathering in an auditorium of 1,000 people to hear from speakers, unite in solidarity and learn about issues around the state. Then we break off for lunch and planning of legislative visits. We march all together toward up the capitol steps and are inspired and motivated at a rally on the capitol steps. Then affiliate groups speak to their legislators. After reconvening they board their vehicles and head home. Debriefing and follow-up occurs.

Schedule from previous years (The official 2025 schedule has not yet been released)

4:30am Estimated time bus leaves from Eau Claire

8:00-11:00am Plenary event

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30 Rally on the steps

1:00-4:00pm Legislative visits

4:30 Bus leaves from Madison

8:30 Estimated bus arrival time in Eau Claire

Registration and cost

Register here!

Please REGISTER ASAP so we can coordinate bus numbers – By April 1 at the latest

  • $35 to attend MAD (This Early Bird Pricing goes through Feb 15)
  • $10 to ride the bus, or drive separately (parking not guaranteed)

$$$ Not able to attend yourself? Give $45 to cover the cost for someone else! Scholarships funds are needed. $$$

Pictures of previous years


Feb 17 @ 5:30-7:30pm at the JONAH Office – Public Meeting followed by training on “Story-Telling and Testimony Preparation”

Additional orientation dates TBA.