I want to volunteer and make a difference!
There are so many ways to support the work of JONAH at ANY TIME. You can join a task force, help with the operational functions of our organization, do short term specific volunteer tasks, and more. To find where you fit – contact our Organizer, Lynn Buske at [email protected]

General Needs
Whatever you have is exactly what we need! We just don’t always know what that is yet! Here are some ways, other than task force involvement (they need folks with lived experience and folks with energy), you can support JONAH.
- Show up! – Sign up for our email list and show up to our events. This helps you be informed and share information with others.
- Organize JONAH events – Whether it be planning, cooking/baking, set up, clean up, decorating, music, we need it all.
- Canvass – We canvass in pairs, provide training, and only listen to residents and build relationship. (We don’t take partisan stances or share religious beliefs.)
- Make calls to our members about events.
- Hang up flyers for our events around town.
- Join our fun fundraising team!
- Speak to legislators. (We provide the talking points.)
- Connect with other JONAH members and build community.
- Take our Leadership Training!
- Help find business sponsors and/or find and write grants.
- Take photos at events.
- Do data entry.
- Connect with employers in the area.
- Provide volunteer childcare.
- Consider mentoring to eventually become a key leader in JONAH! We believe in Shared Leadership and often rotate our board and officers.