The JONAH Executive Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. David Huber as the JONAH Interim President to fill the vacancy in this position that occurred with the resignation of Sandra McKinney. He will fill the remainder of the present term which runs through 2022. We are sure you will agree he brings valuable skills and experience that will be a great addition to JONAH’s work. Please join us in welcoming him!

Rev. David Huber has lived in Eau Claire for seventeen years, serving Plymouth United Church of Christ as their pastor. He has degrees in electrical engineering and divinity, earned some extra college credits in music theory and quantum mechanics, and is quite fascinated by the intersection of science and religion and the arts. In Eau Claire, he has served on numerous boards, helped start two non-profits, was a member of The Master Singers choir, and is currently a member of the choir Schola Cantorum. He has served churches in Scarsdale, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Honolulu, been a counselor at a summer church camp, a chaplain at NYU Hospital in NYC, been in two unions (UWA when working for GM, and UFCW when working for Woodmans), and was an Executive Assistant for one of the partners of McKinsey & Co. and for the VP of Equities Strategy at Lehman Brothers. David is particularly interested in and committed to environmental issues, particularly ending climate change, as well as the need for affordable housing in the Chippewa Valley, safe spaces for our homeless population, and food scarcity. His partner, Rev. YAMAMOTO Yuki, lives in Japan where she is a college chaplain and teacher.
Upcoming Positions Up for Election
We are always grateful for our Executive Committee officers whose role is to address to day to day operations of the organization. 2022 has some openings that we would like you to consider! Elections will be held in November 2021 for the following offices: Executive Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer.
A bit about these positions:
- Executive Vice-President, among other things, attends and sets agenda for the monthly meetings of the Executive Committee, acts in the absence of the president, sits on the personnel committee and works closely with the Vice-President Liaison.
- Secretary: Takes minutes at the monthly Executive Committee meeting and bi-monthly Full Board meeting, distributes reports and other communications to the Board. This has in recent years been a shared position between two people (we like sharing the workload here at JONAH!) and is a GREAT ENTRY position for someone newer to JONAH or someone wanting to try something in leadership.
- Treasurer: We are looking for someone interested in sharing this position with another person, both of whom would work closely with JONAH’s bookkeeper. Other duties: pick up and deposit checks from the office, present financial reports (run by the bookkeeper) to the Executive Committee and Board (monthly and bi-monthly).
Please consider taking on these important roles! Terms are 2 years.