My name is Perla Martinez-Beltran. I am the new communications hire with JONAH, and I also am part of the Integrated Voter Engagement & Relational Voter Program team with WISDOM.

In my communications role with JONAH I hope to find a format for taskforces to share their information such as meetings, planning, and events. This way our community is aware of what the taskforces are about and what they are doing to hopefully gain more community involvement and build more relationships.
Through WISDOM’s Integrated Voter Engagement & the Relational Voter Program, specifically in the Hispanic Community, I am providing our community members with all and any information about voting in our democracy such as learning how to register to vote, where to find their polling place, and most importantly teaching them how to research candidates so they understand what they are voting for.
With both of these roles, I hope to educate more people about the importance of voting in our democracy and the importance of building relationships with our community. With the help of our community, I hope we can make immigration reform be important for our political leaders to be put on their agenda. These roles help me in fulfilling my duty as a citizen by being a part of our democracy for a better tomorrow and I hope to inspire other individuals to participate in our democracy by voting.
I enjoy being able to meet many individuals who share the same ideology as me. I look forward to making more people more knowledgeable about voting in our democracy, specifically in the Hispanic Community. On my free time, I enjoy traveling, reading, running, and spending time with my family.