We are excited to celebrate 15 years of making social change happen for the betterment of all. Sunday October 16 from 7-8pm at the Brewing Projekt or via Zoom. Tickets are $35 for in person and $15 for Zoom. Purchase your tickets here: https://volumeonetickets.org/…/jonah-annual-celebration…, or connect with your congregational JONAH representative (to avoid processing fees). THIS IS A HYBRID EVENT – you can participate in EVERYTHING via Zoom! Even the cupcake walk is zoom friendly. (the snacks and beer, however, are not)
We will have innovative speakers on our issues from outside of our area (to inspire what is possible), meet and greet the task forces (learn about what they are doing), participate in a cakewalk fundraiser, eat appetizers, drink and hear contemporary music.
Consider purchasing a scholarship ticket for someone when you purchase!
Need a scholarship ticket? Just email [email protected].
1. Peter Brunzelle is the director of WisHope, a peer recovery community organization. He will talk about about Sauk County Response Teams. The Sauk County Health Department has established collaborative overdose response teams. These are teams of 3 individuals: 2 EMS/Fire representatives and 1 peer support specialist (supplied by WisHope by contract with Sauk County Health Dept) that would attempt an in-home or in-facility visit to overdose survivors in Sauk County in an effort to streamline a connection to treatment and other vital support services. WisHope is a non-profit, peer-run Recovery Community Organization located in the Milwaukee and Waukesha areas and serving the state of Wisconsin.
2. Kathryne Auerback is the Executive Director of Movin' Out since 2018. Movin' Out’s mission is to advance disability justice by co-creating safe, affordable, community-integrated homes. Founded in 1995, Movin’ Out has helped over 1,800 households that include someone with a disability to purchase their first home or maintain the safety and accessibility of their home. Our HUD-certified housing counselors have provided housing counseling and information and referrals to thousands more. Movin’ Out has developed and operates nearly 1,600 units of affordable rental housing across Wisconsin, about a quarter of which are supportive units set aside for people with disabilities. Kathryne brings over 30 years of experience leading change for healthier and more equitable organizations and communities. Her experience includes designing and leading a broad range of innovative community and economic development initiatives. Kathryne has managed numerous green building and other environmental and health-related enterprises. She created the first ever health plan rebate program for CSA farm shares, helping to bring community-supported agriculture into the mainstream in south-central Wisconsin. She also helped create, launch, and lead the Social Innovation and Sustainability Leadership Graduate Program at Edgewood College.
3. Rachana Shah is a Zero Waste Consultant at Aspire to Zero who works with schools thatwant to be part of NYC’s Zero Waste Schools program by educating the school community on why and how to implement zero-waste in big institutions. In the past, she has worked with Deloitte Consulting, TerraCycle, Waste Ventures (New Delhi), Climate Reality (led by Al Gore), and more recently Beyond Plastics.