Lori has worked as accounts and operations officer for Eversole Associates, International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium, Infinite Eversole-Specialty Crop Services, and the International Alliance for Phytobiomes Research for the past several years. Lori began working with JONAH in December of 2021. She brings a detail oriented viewpoint to the table as well as experience with nonprofit accounting and management. Most of the organizations Lori works with are focused on advancing scientific research with a focus on providing food, feed, and fiber sustainability. When asked what drew her to wanting to work with JONAH, Lori shared, “I believe in all of the organizations I work with, the big picture goal of ensuring future generations have the ability to produce (and consume), healthy, sustainable food on a global level, is one that I’m proud to be a part of, but for me, JONAH connected with my desire to be a part of creating and advancing social justice that begins in our own community. When you look at the injustices in our country, it can be overwhelming and it can bring a sense of hopelessness. I love that JONAH works from a system-level approach – one bite at a time, we can bring hope, and we can work for justice and change”
Lori and her family originally moved to Wisconsin from their home state of Texas in 2006. After living in Wisconsin for 8 years, Lori and her husband, Steve, moved for a job opportunity in Kansas City. Both of the kids moved away for job opportunities around the same time. After six years of living across the country from kids and grandkids, the Leach (and Hogan) families decided it was time to go home. For all of them, home was Eau Claire, Wisconsin! In 2020, Lori and Steve, their daughter, Mollie, son-in-law, Aubrey, and grandchildren, Stevie and Arlan, ,their son, Matt and his wife, Casey, all made their way back to Eau Claire. Since returning “home”, Matt and Casey had Theo, making her, grandchild number three! When Lori isn’t working, she enjoys yoga, kayaking, riding her scooter around Eau Claire, and spending time with the kids and grandkids.