For more information on any of these activities, please contact the task force chairs directly!
Our Transit Alliance continues to advocate for public transit needs as a part of conversations around transportation, from local EC Transit to the West Central Rail Coalition on the state level. Currently the city passed funnding for buss passes for the unhoused and there will be free bus rides on Earth Day, funded by CVTA. To join our Transportation Committee, please contact [email protected].
The Mental Health Group: Our Mental Health Group strives to bring Mental Health gap awareness to our community and also create more peer support. The group has continued their work with the Green Bandana Project which is a pledge that you are not alone and to seek help for yourself or others when needed. May is Mental Health Month and the 1st issue Night will be held on May 22, details to be announced! Contact [email protected] to attend the task force meetings or to learn more about the Green Bandana Project.
The Immigration Task Force continues to advocate for driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants, build community wtih all of our neighbors and create a positiverelationship with the police department. Check out what they have been doing:
- Culture Fest Update: The event will be held at Phoenix Park. Sunday, August 20, 1:00 – 6:00 P.M. and they are collaborating with Visit Eau Claire. A grant available for the event has been submitted
- Madison Action Day: Those attending will be speaking to representatives on “Driver’s Licenses for All”
- Welcoming New Neighbors (WNN): The mission of WNN is to build an organization that serves as a resource to and support of immigrants and those working with immigrants in the greater northwest Wisconsin area as well as one that educates and builds awareness throughout the wider community. WNN has met recently with a representative of World Relief Refugee Resettlement on the possibility of Eau Claire being considered as a hub for their organization
- Wisconsin Coalition for Safe Roads Campaign: Connecting with local elected officials, businesses, and employees on support for these issues and what it would mean for our undocumented neighbors
- Resuming conversations with our local law enforcement and setting up a meeting with Sheriff Riewestahl
- Established relationships with St. Paul Mexican Consulate has been very beneficial. The next St. Paul Mexican Consulate Mobile visit will be Saturday, August 26
Contact [email protected] for more information
The Environmental Task Force: The newly formed EC County Sustainability Advisory Committee is working to develop a climate action plan for EC County. Don’t forget about the Earth Week Open House April 20th Event at the Brewing Projekt 5:30-7:30pm. Contact Sue Waits, [email protected] for more information.
Affordable Housing Task Force: The Affordable Housing Task Force continues to advocate for affordable housing for all of our neighbors. For up-to- date information, visit their Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/JONAHAffordableHousing/. Current updates include:
- Advocated for housing initiatives at the Joint Finance Committee
- The Eau Claire Tenant Landlord Resource Center (TLRC): they have narrowed down applicants and are at the stage for final interviews and the website will be going up soon!
Contact Susan Wolfgram, [email protected]
Child poverty: Adocating for Child Care at the Joint Finance Committee. You can submit an electronic submission here. They will also be advocating at Madison Action Day!
To participate or connect with our chair, contact John Wagner at [email protected]
Rural work: The Rural Team had a visioning meeting this past Monday where we discussed presenting on Phase 2 of the project (coming very soon) and also looking ahead to a possible event in Stanley in August. Early planning and ideas.
Our focus now is on:
- putting together our phase 2 report (2 parts: in depth slide presentation for those close to JONAH and also a 200-300 word “one page” report for the public)
- held a training at Our Savior’s Lutheran (Chippewa Falls)
- interviewing a candidate to be a summer intern with us (opportunity through AHEC program).
If you have questions about this project, or if you want to be involved in some way, please reach out to KenHood at [email protected] or, if you know of congregations and leaders looking to start a faith-based conversation on caring for their community, please contact Kari at [email protected].
The Fudraising Team continues to brainstorm ideas to help fund our work. This is an update on what they have done and plan to do:
- Spring Fundraising letter coming soon!
- Swag – the button making party went well!
- Brat Stand fundraiser- May 6th!
- Looking into ad sales
To join next meeting contact Joanne Mellema [email protected]