Intern Highlights: Meet Dallas, Erin, and James!

JONAH has 3 new interns from the UWEC Social Work Department that we’d like you to meet!

What stands out to you about JONAH?
Dallas – The diversity of stories between JONAH members. Each person involved in JONAH became interested in social justice or community involvement through their own unique personal life experiences, and I think that is what makes JONAH such a connected organization. 

James – What stands out to me about JONAH is simply the strong sense of community in all that JONAH does. I don’t know if I have ever been a part of an organization that places so much importance on building relationships and emphasizing those relationships to tackle issues together.

Erin – The thing that stands out to me the most is that JONAH is fully committed to engaging, empowering, and building up our community. It aims to address social justice from the root causes, which is exactly what has motivated me to take the path of social work. JONAH’s value for not only the macro but for the micro implications of addressing social injustices within our community is extremely powerful.

Why do you think it’s important to be involved in your community?
Dallas – I think a community is only a reflection of what we, as community members, put into it. When people who care come together in a community, that is when we see the greatest positive change.

James – I think that taking care of our community can be equated to taking care of ourselves. We have a moral obligation to support the people who belong to our community just as much as our obligation to ourselves and our loved ones. We all must share this space, and to deny the importance of community is to deny the importance of caring for ourselves.

Erin – Being involved in your community is important for a multitude of reasons. It connects you to people and ideas that open up and impact your perspectives. The more we engage within our community, the more our visibility and understanding of issues increases; and the more our community connects with one another, the more we empower each other to use our voices to make sustainable change. We are more powerful together than we are apart.

How did you become interested in social justice?
James – My interest in social justice began with my love for philosophy. Something that I find important is my belief in Utilitarianism, or that what makes something good is what brings the most benefit to the most people. My interest in Existentialism, or trying to determine the meaning of life, has also played a major role in my drive for enhancing social justice. Social justice is simply my outlet for me to be able to practice my philosophy.

What are some of your favorite activities, places, or businesses that you like to support here in the Chippewa Valley?
Dallas – I love the Brewing Projekt and the events they put on. My favorite place to go for breakfast is the French Press and I enjoy the coffee at The Goat. Lastly, I love the new downtown location of Dotters Books!

Erin – This may be a simple answer, but the outdoors. Every park, hiking trail, river, and hill. There is so much beauty within this city that deserves to be appreciated. I fall in love again every time I get to fully immerse and appreciate the nature EC provides. I am also an avid lover of plants, so Down To Earth is my weakness. Lastly, I want to shout out all of the farmers markets we host. I love the community and happiness they bring to our downtown. I would spend all day at one if I could, just to appreciate every person, plant, vegetable, and art piece.