Sept-Oct Summary JONAH

Thanks for your support of JONAH, here is a short summary of current activities.

Executive Committee – In process of hiring a new bookkeeper, looking for next treasurer(s) and secretary(ies), printing yearbooks, found new president, restructuring criminal justice task force, and handbook in process.

$$$ – raised over $15,000 combined from yearbook, virtual auction and virtual annual event. Working on end of year letter focusing on gratitude and a survey to hear from our constituents

Training – Is in transition, contact us if you’d like to know more or find/receive trainings.

Task Forces – Affordable Housing makes strong efforts to show up for every community conversation on housing so that the voice of those in poverty is heard and considered in every development and opportunity. Transit Task Force is heavily involved in rail efforts around the state – they held a rally on August to bring awareness to the need for passenger rail in our area and to update on the state plans for this. Child Poverty Coalition attend a 2-day symposium on poverty – one takeaway “High quality child care is an important goal for helping to build a resilient community.” Additionally, there are five federal legislative actions directed at reducing child poverty and need support. The Environmental Task Force has been doing a lot of public education and the landfill situation continues to be a serious, unaddressed community issue.

You can find out more by contacting the chairs or finding each of their Facebook pages.

Outreach: Would you be interested in receiving a short training in how to help bring in more congregations, community groups and individuals into JONAH? Contact our Organizer, Lynn.